By far my personal favorite of the bunch. This started with a few Photoshop layers that worked as a canvas for 20+ creative commons videos and sounds that were blended into the final product.
The waves are a combination of seven video layers, with sections masked and repeating to simulate certain conditions. The final piece of this puzzle was the black water layer, which is recorded at completely different angle and scale as the others, but worked to create the perfect wave break at the shoreline. Lightning, cloud and sky elements were combined in Adobe Premiere with custom opacity and mask settings for each. This task also features the most complex sound design and a lazy attempt at looping the final product. The wormhole that opens up is modeled after a HUD, like what Tony Stark would see while in the Iron Man armor. It is focused on a Bitcoin, which grows on the horizon, enveloping the already turbulent seas into another mess. The digital world invades reality.